Thursday, May 20, 2010

Green is good business!

I posted an article on my blog, Help with small business called Green is good business! This is actually a revolutionary statement. Not long ago, conventional wisdom said that going green cost too much. It turns out that conventional wisdom was wrong.

Going green makes sense. Far from being too expensive, in the long run it conserves resources, and conserving resources saves money. Major corporations such as CSC, BP, GE, Marriott, Verizon, and Wal-Mart are figuring this out. Small business owners are figuring it out too. Green is no longer a niche market. It is now mainstream.

The big driver for this change is probably customers. Just as changes in customer understanding about food has lead to greater proliferation of organic and locally produced food in grocery stores, greater customer understanding of the environment and resournces is leading to greater demand for green products and companies that use green practices. While it is true that some green things may be more expensive, customers seem willing to pay the higher prices.

The article points out that smart businesses will take the time to learn what it means to be green, and they will take that knowledge and figure out how to satisfy their customers' desires to be green. Read the post for a more detailed explanation of why green is good business.

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